From Obama to Trump, to Biden, while some things have gotten better, sadly we are at the point when an entire political party has turned from bad to genocidal. The question is have we finally begun to wake up, or will Democracy be dead by 2024, or sooner?

APPROXIMATELY TEN YEARS AGO THIS BLOG WAS BORN. Yes I could. Who said it wouldn’t last? Well I had my doubts. But in any event, on October 9, 2011, I launched my little blog with the hopes that somehow, something good could come from it. Maybe a few people might agree, maybe more, and hopefully when everything is said and done, it wasn’t just a waste of time. That nothing I put down, put out there, I will in the end wish I hadn’t. I wasn’t even sure that anyone would even be interested, but obviously I have a lot to say. Besides it’s probably healthier getting it out, instead of letting it fester. We’ve seen how others react when they keep things bottled down, or is that bottled up?
Much to my amazement visitors started finding the blog, and I presume readers too. Amazingly this post is my 414th since it began. Somehow, along the way, believe it or not, over 250,000 visitors have dropped by either just to check the blog out, or hopefully read at least some of my ‘sometimes’ shall we called them novellas. As this post showcases, it is quite long, perhaps my longest, call it my anniversary gift to my readers. So thanks everyone. If you are a first time reader, welcome.
And now its time for shall we say, my excuses this time, for taking a little too much time away... again. Which segues into what my latest post is really about, the Republicans quest for apparently absolute power has true collateral damage, as their actions have caused a pile of victims a mile high. What gets me is, the more people die from the virus, the more apparently way too many people are ignoring how many people are getting infected and dying every single day. Just like Trump’s lies about everything, became almost a joke to his followers. The people pretty much got used to it, and pretty much ignore it, and whomever tries to acknowledge it, or out the lies, simply telling the truth, are attacked as the liars, while Americans die by the thousands every single day. And nobody even talks about it anymore. Used to lies, used to death. Sure sounds like the end to me.
Ironically most of those being hurt, infected, and sadly dying, are now their own voters. A little bit too ironic for them, yes, I really do think. Who says your vote doesn’t matter? Well the way things are going, that comment could be sadly way too true, as the Republicans are now ‘fixing’ the system to do what Donald wanted. Happily for us, those who could have down the evil deed, in 2020, didn’t. But, those in power who helped save everything, are now systemically being replaced by trumpeter’s, promising to do what they wouldn’t. In other words, steal our democracy, and turn America into what seems to be a white minority ruled Christian quasi dictatorship, where a women’s rights don’t mean jack.
And as is there M.O., The Republicans continue to vote against anything to help Americans with everything, in a quest to showcase what a do-nothing President, Joe Biden is. Forgetting so soon, both the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, and the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. Both signed into law during his first year in office. Remember? Well I do. Well they almost all voted against both of Biden’s historic in size and scope bills. But instead of hearing how he’s actually done more than any President in US history by signing the historic bills in law, all we hear about is what a failure he is, and how unpopular he is. And any month now, his Build Back Better bill might get signed into law, so shove it republicans. And all we hear is how inflation will destroy everything, how everything is so expensive, and of course the biggest whiners are the ones making millions and billions off of the very lies, infection and death they keep spreading.
Its scary how so many people don’t see the irony of their pitch. They scream, that the Democrats can’t get anything done, while they themselves are the ones causing the apparent inaction. They are the ones mucking up the works as it were, and they are the one always voting against everything that could make America Great Again. You know the mantra they pounded into our brains for years. And only succeeded in making it worse, more violent, and outed way too many monsters on our midsts. When the Democrats finally figure out a way to get their bills passed and signed into law, without almost any Republicans assistance, helping everyone in the process, somehow the Republicans go out and pitch the programs in the bills as if they are the ones who got the deal done. While at the same time still arguing about the horrors and the costs, about inflations and crime, but that part of it, isn’t there fault. Heck, we voted against it, blame them for the problems. But...? Come on Republican voters, how many times are you gonna allow yourselves to get fooled again? And what gets me in all of this, when they do get in power, what do they actually do to help people? Give tax breaks to the rich? While the rest of us live in a country that is literally falling apart.
At the same time, they scream to the high heavens, that the Democrats are the monsters, they continue their pretty much in your face takeover on our democracy. But thanks to the powers that be, and of course the American people, the good guys won. The bad guys are beginning to get rounded up, and that we still have the Democrats to save our country. Heck we still have a country! At least for the time being... According to the polls and of course every trumpeting Republican, by election day 2022, pretty much they will be running everything. All they do is pitch how terrible everything is, and somehow the polls numbers keep lowering. I mean WTF? So whats gonna happen, a Republican will win the Presidency, because the good things that the Democrats put into place, finally are coming to fruition. And now the Republicans gets into power, reaps the benefits, and the economy explodes. Except, sadly what always happens, is the republicans then destroy everything to prove that the Democrats were wrong. And in so doing, help to elect the next democrat to fix the mess the republican left. And the cycle continues. Well I for one will hope, that Biden’s historic victory is a harbinger to come, and the low poll numbers will be forgotten by the time next election day occurs. As the, if I can be so bold, greatness of our current President and the rest of the democratic leaders who still believe we live in a democracy and not some Trumpian autocracy that they all seem to be jonesing for.
I personally think we will. We’ve collectively seen the horrors that they’ve done and what they could do. Me thinks this time we will be ready. Now let’s hope by then, the people in charge fix the attempts currently underway to pretty much take away all of our constitutional rights to vote, especially with the Supreme Court gutting Roe V. Wade. In theory that should get the masses aroused, which should make winning the next election cycle easy, unless that is, we don’t fix voting rights, and it’s actually too late to do anything but cry.
Now comes the apology for why it’s been too long since my last post. You see, maybe it’s because that it’s been 10 years since I started this, and it feels like nothing I’ve written about has done anything to help. I still can’t believe people voted for a monster like Trump, and worse, more people voted for him after his tenure revealed the worse of him. Maybe I’m just wasting my time, and energy. I mean, maybe it’s been all for nothing. I’ve spent countless hours on this blog, and sometimes it feels like all I’ve accomplished is the thrill that I’ve actually kept this up for a decade. Which of course was one of the reasons, I considered not creating it in the first place. Could I actually keep this up longer then a few weeks, let alone a decade? I mean who was I? It’s not like I have a built in fan base. Sadly unlike say an Influencer, I don’t have hundreds of thousands, or millions of followers awaiting my pitch for a new way to wear lipstick. And unlike others who have dabbled in the show business who used their fame to pitch their political views, I again don’t have the followers or the resume, that would make this venture possibly worth my time in this at all. But all that written, this blog wasn’t a quest to gain fame or fortune (that would be nice of course, maybe a book deal, would be way cool as well). No, it was a way for me to vent, to whine, to get out the venom and the poisons that too much of our world was pitching to us. It was in a way, my way to personally exorcise the evil that men do and try to make sense of it, even if I was the only person on Earth who read it, or who agreed with me, after it spewed out of me. I did hope however that some of what I’ve contemplated and discussed would seep into the ozone, and somehow find it’s way to voices out there that could make a change. Right a wrong and wake at least some people up. And even though I don’t have any proof that anything I’ve written has turned any heads, woken any brains, I do know that quite a lot of people have dropped by to at least check out the site, and my posts.
This post is my 414th ‘neilizms’ and according to the numbers, over 250,000 people have visited, 251,790 to be exact, as I am writing this. Of course from the little I’ve read up on such things, that number isn’t as huge as it might sound. But for someone who put out a blog, not expecting anyone to discover it, it’s a pretty heady total, which has helped to keep me going. So maybe I am getting through to a few? Perhaps my short posts, or more like novella’s sometimes has helped. Maybe Kamala and Joe, and the Georgia Democrats running for Senator last time were helped by me? Maybe? Well, I’ll never know, but that thought alone, makes continuing this blog an easy decision. Not that I ever considered ending it, but when the days I haven’t posted turn into weeks, and then a month or two, I must admit, I begin to ponder if it’s time to consider that idea. Except of course, there isn’t one day, when something doesn’t happen that makes me want to scream, that makes me want to jot something down in reaction. The question then has always been, what that reaction turns into. Sadly there are too many times when something stops me in my tracks and makes me sit back and shake my head, which makes what I am currently working on seem like last years news already, a day after it occurred. Which way too often these days, turns into events that can best be described as a snowball going down the side of a mountain, gaining size and momentum, as it takes down everything in a landslide of destruction. A lot of the Trump’s tenure has been just like that. But especially during the last few months of the last Presidential campaign, and the never ending lie-a-thon about how Donald’s presidency part 2, was stolen from him. Funnily, once Trump lost, I had hoped this blog would focus on other subjects, except he actually got worse and so did his minions.
But sadly, a year into President Biden’s first term, it’s still mostly about Donald, and his never ending quest for power, while the rest of us get to live through what the ramifications of that means. That is those of us who still live. Not to rehash history, but it’s a shame Vice President Gore didn’t fight back, when he still had the chance. It’s possible the entire George Walker nightmare might never have happened, and the trajectory we were under under President Bill Clinton, could have continued. But let me not rehash that horror story, one which America still might not be over from, especially since we are still living through the current one, that Biden is trying to currently clean up. Please one nightmare at a time.
For some, it might seem with this blog, like I disappear for weeks, and as is the case with this post, sometimes months. But since what I write here, for the most part is in reaction to what happens in the political world, sometimes nothing that’s happening hits me the right way, or at least what I write in those moments, isn’t enough for me, or fleshed out enough to post and share.
Honestly there have been times when just the thought of Donald Trump, family, or honestly anyone out there still pitching Donald’s lies these days have made me feel like vomiting. While other times, the events that take place, like the Infrastructure bill that President Biden signed into law, while important and historic, got pushed aside by other news seemingly over night, and usually it’s about something one of the Republicans have done that would only make Donald proud. The short version is, I begin to write something, but another heinous event occurs which stops me in my tracks. That is until the next blockbuster event happens, which starts me up again. Sometimes that takes a few days, in this case it took me a few months. So let’s get to the events that got me to add Neilizms # 414 to the blog. Sadly, of course, it’s about the Republicans and their seemingly never ending attempt to hurt Americans, and to make the world a worser place.
We've reached the sad point where over 50 million of our fellow Americans have been infected, and tragically over 800,000 have died, and still Republicans pitch quackery, conspiracies and lies, arguing against vaccines. What’s maddening in all of this, over 100,000 Americans a day are still getting infected, and the numbers are currently actually rising, and that’s with a vaccine. Most of the deaths are coming from people who aren’t vaccinated, meaning people are dying for no reason except lies, and political criminality. I’m sorry, if you are pitching in your political voice, that the vaccine is the problem and getting vaccinated is the danger, not only shouldn’t you be allowed to have a political office, or a say in the public conversation, you should be arrested and tried for premeditated murder.
What I will never get with any of this is for once his con worked. For once a pitch by Donald John Trump wasn’t just a pipe dream, but a reality. And the conmen that pitched the fix to the Donald, were actually genuine heroes and saviors. But instead of celebrating Trump's magic elixir, and reaping the political goodwill, while in the process saving countless lives, the fools, who follow him, have taken his for once miraculous victory and transformed it into an ever worser defeat. By turning a pandemic into what more and more is turning out to be a man made genocide of epic proportion. I was already calling it a genocide when we had reached 30,000 deaths, but now we’ve reached 800,000 and still they argue against mask mandates and vaccinations. Perhaps we need another Nuremberg hearings, for this generations causes of our American genocide run by Donald and his pack of lying monsters. Amazingly the same people who helped cause it, are the same ones who are all in on Trump’s attempted coup and their continued assault on our democracy.
And what makes things worse, these ghouls are also making money off of their lies. Unbelievably the liars and harbingers of infection and death, and now pitching actual dirt, to the masses, contaminated dirt no less. A product called BOO! You read that right, their latest quackery is, instead of offering up the vaccine that their savior helped make possible. They are selling contaminated dirt, to ingest, to use like soap and water, or whatever, and people are actually doing this. I have to write it again, unbelievable. And the only reason tis came out, was several people who purchased it, sent it to laboratory’s to find out what was in this miracle, and discovered it was in fact just dirt, and some of the dirt came from soil near landfilled, contaminated landfills. Sorry, people simply are fools.
Believe it or not, finally I’m getting to the headline of today’s commentary. Here it is. The other day, in yet another attempt to make people hate politics, several of the Republican monsters in power, tried to play games just weeks before Christmas, threatening to shut down the government once again. Which is becoming a sad pattern, whenever the debt ceiling comes into the conversation. How to ruin the holiday spirit we've all been in since Thanksgiving. I know, let's throw a little more coal on the fire of discontent that’s percolating seemingly throughout our nation. To actually threaten to shut down everything, unless President Biden removes his, as they call it "draconian" vaccination mandates is really a bit too much, don't you think? Especially when what these monsters are attacking is simply President Joesph Biden Jr's attempt to save people's lives. Something Republicans seem to be always fighting against. Apparently Republicans only care about life if and only if it's inside a women womb. Not the woman mind you, just the fetus inside the woman. Screw the woman. That is as long as it is inside, other then that it’s pretty much just go ‘F’ yourself. Especially if you're the woman with the womb, and whatever happens, only you good or bad, ave to live with the ramifications of the pregnancy. What a perfect way to get folks who are already losing their minds out there , even angrier. Happily Mitch worked out a deal with Chuck, played with the filibuster rules and shut down the fools attempt to shut down the economy just as it waking up again, no thanks to them.
So sadly if history repeats itself, people will once again vote against their own best interests. And once again the monsters could win, while little things like voter's rights, women’s rights, and well possibly all rights, might disappear even more, if not completely. The perfect Republican deflection, cause a problem, somehow with a little wordplay, turn the Democrats into the monsters, ignoring reality, and somehow the Republicans come out the winner. Hired by the American people to once again fix the mess, that in the real world they caused. Even though every time in the past they use that pitch, when victorious, they never actually do any work for the American people, but instead actually always make things worse. Republicans gets elected by demonizing the Democrats. They destroy the economy or use foreign politics, wars, to waste billions, and then the Democrats get back into power to fix the mess. Clinton came in to fix Daddy Bush’s mess. Obama came in to fix George Walker’s mess, and now Biden has come in to fix Trump’s mess. Immediately after Obama came in, the republicans argued non-stop that Obama didn’t know what he was doing, you should listen to us, we know best, negating the fact that Obama was still cleaning up the mess they created. Trump’s big pitch against Obama, was his cleaning it up was way too slow, disregarding the fact that Obama had the longest continuous economic growth, which actually continued under Donald, until his efforts to undue everything Obama had accomplished began to turn to positives negative again. And then of courser Trump’s handling of the pandemic that devastated our economy.
Happily this latest insult to every American citizen, and the generations that came before us, it was shut down before it could cause any real harm. But, the idea of using 'personal' freedoms once again, to in fact hurt others continues to be the Republicans mantra. They keep pitching about personal freedoms, while at the same time, stripping as many of our rights as possible. Like for example, the Supreme Court’s current decision when it comes to Women's rights in regards to access to birth control, abortion, and their very lives!
Simply put, in my humble opinion, the Republicans are pitching the freedom to die. And sorry, that is not an exaggeration. In Texas, the Lt. Governor Dan Patrick actually said in 2020 that “Old people should volunteer to die to save the economy”, when he argued against shutdowns. “We should end this social-distancing business sooner rather than later in order to save the economy from the coronavirus.” Of course neglecting the part that that could actually be helping to spread the virus, infections, death, and possibly help create yet another variant of the COVID19 virus, and this one, could just be the death of us all.
All they do is lie. All they do is lie! All they do is ... For example, Mark Meadows former, or is that the current lap dog of Donald Trump is out there now promoting a book. A book about his time in the White House, and his experiences with the Donald. Oh boy. I see sales...plummeting. Finger’s crossed. I bring this all up because according to the advance previews, you know the stuff that is supposed to get you buyers, then The New York Times Best Sellers list, and perhaps then a spot on FOX (not by a million light years) NEWS. Well not surprisingly, and rather evil even for him, if you ask me, but totally something a premeditated genocidal maniac would do. So in other words, totally Trump. The week Donald and Joe had their first debate, you know, the one where Trump was acting even more insane then he usually is? Where during it, Joe eventually had enough and said "Will you shut up, man” and the nation let out a collection “Yes!” And stood up and cheered? Well I do obviously, and according to Meadows’ book, it turns out Trump it seems failed a COVID19 test. Then he supposedly had a negative as well. But instead of perhaps telling anyone, immediately quarantining him, kept him under watch, and separate from everyone, you know protocol, they kept silent, and endangered who knows how many people. At the same time, he had already got infected, Trump was having rehearsal's for the first debate, of note most of those attending the rehearsal got infected by COVID19 that week. Including Chris Christie, who wound up in the hospital on a ventilator.
If that wasn’t bad enough, he also met with the parents of 4 Star families. And let me remind you, Donald has never stopped telling us how much they wanted to hug him. I mean how could he say no, it would be rude. So what if he possibly or on purpose, get a few hundred infected and some more blood on his hands. Soon afterwards, it was announced that he indeed was now infected and was rushed to the hospital. And lets not forget, the Vice Presidential debates, soon afterwards. Where Pence had a hissy fit, cause he didn’t want to look weak, when Kamala's people wanted plexiglas between the two candidates. And the pandemic task force leader, whined no, but eventually agreed to the rules. The fact that Trump could have infected Joe, and then Pence could have infected Kamala, sends chills up my spine. What freaking ghoulish monsters the two of them are. It was if they were trying to hurt them both, or worse.
So, this new blockbuster, and it is a blockbuster, which is getting a lot of buzz, when Donald got wind of it (the joke being, he knew exactly what was in it. He just didn’t expect anyone to either notice, or disregard the criminality it revealed). Well Donald's not happy, because it showcases what a premeditated genocidal murderer he truly is. So as is his habit, Trump found a puppet to get him on air, and announced that the information in the book was "Fake news." The hysterical thing in all this is, the man, who wrote the book, or at least scribbled notes that a real writer translated into a book that was publishable, well he came out several hours after the twice impeached liar in chief, and agreed with his former, or is that current boss. He announced that the press had misread what he wrote and they were pitching the fake news, not himself. Trump was a great man, he would never write such a thing.
WTF? But as several members of the press have explained, it's in the book. You know the one you wrote. Sorry you can't have it both ways. Plus, Meadows, is another one of Trump's inner circle that the January 6th Commission wants to talk to. Who is playing games, arguing they can't talk about things they talked about with Donald because of executive privilege, even after telling the world seemingly everything in a book they published that you made money off of. Profiting from his crimes if you will. Boy I can’t wait to see him killing time behind prison bars.
The trumpeting Republicans attack the truth, facts, medicine, even science itself, and make up or simply share garbage on a never ending loop, and somehow people believe the garbage, ignore the facts, and spit on those trying to save their very lives. They attack doctors, people simply following rules. They attack truth, justice and the American way, while arguing those disagreeing with them are the true enemies destroying our nation, while they the ones actually doing it. All they do is hurt people. And every day, specifically since the vaccine has become easily available, people have died because of them. We are still losing approximately 900 to 1000 people a day from the virus, and now almost all unnecessary. Let me remind you, that not one America had died yet of COVID19 when Donald lied to all of our faces, how magically the virus would just go away, that it was just like the flu, and then the body count began. We've now reached the unbelievable total of 819,315 American's who have died from the virus ... so far. While we’ve had unbelievable had over 50 million infections, 51,018,282 to be exact! But instead of finally giving it up, I mean how much blood could you handle on your hands? These 'patriots' are calling Dr. Fauci a Nazi?!? He’s the Nazi, because he’s prescribing to the nation as our countries top doctor, to get vaccinated. As if the vaccine is poison, and the virus is the cure. Apparently these folks who think they have white privilege or just think they are better then others, think their own natural immunities will protect them, as opposed to those living in the real world. Or they survived their first meeting with the virus, and they now think they have enough anti-bodies from it, that they don’t need a stinking vaccination. And of course we all know, they do.
Now I understand I'm the last person who should whine when other's call other people Nazi's. Since I do it so often, especially in regards to Trumpian Republicans or sadly too many ‘regular’ ones. But when wannabe members of Donald's SS have the audacity to compare a great man like Dr. Anthony Fauci, the current Chief Medical Advisor to the President of United States, to doctor Josef Mengele, the man who actually performed Nazi medical experiments on his concentration camp victims, for one of Trump's seemingly personal heroes' Adolf Hitler. That I think is going a bit far when they are the ones who are actually the real threat, the real danger. Projection people. It’s also projection. What they do, they blame others for. And somehow the innocent get’s punished, and they get richer and or more powerful every single time. They attack the very people who are simply trying to save their lives. In the process helping to spread the virus a little more, helping to add to the numbers of unnecessary dead, and helping to possibly create a new even scarier variant. You want to talk Nazi’s? Who needs gas chambers, when the citizens themselves can become the weapons of mass destruction. Like Donald and his infection, they guesstimate, he was in content with over 500 people. How many of those got it, and how many of those infected, infected others. And on and so and so on. Like one of Trump’s former tweets, shared my millions. Spreading the vile hatred that the right seems to fester in.
I ask you, why isn’t every single one of these people, like Dr. Randy Johnson being round up and put on trial for endangering the people. Dr. Johnson, Trump’s ex White House ‘doctor’ who unbelievably is now a sitting congressman, is spouting off lies about the new variant of COVID-19, probably helping to kill a few more people in the process. It was bad enough when he lied to us about Trump's health, heck, he’s only the President, why should we know if his heart is giving out, or he’s got a terminal disease. But when he actually is infected with a very contagious deadly virus, and keeps that secret, there are no words. Except, go away, disappear, and never show your face in public again. Unless of course it’s at one of your many trials and court hearings. You will be attending, for possibly the rest of your miserable life.
What is it about doctors who become Congressmen or Senators, that once in power, they lie about things all things medical, especially in fields, they have no knowledge or training in. Like deadly infectious diseases! All seemingly for political purposes and of course financial gain? What? Did they simply forget the oath they swore to uphold? You know the one we always hear about. The Hippocratic Oath, the one he's obviously crapping all over? I mean why does he still have a medical license? I mean come on. Why is it that every Republican who is pitching lies about the virus and the vaccine, not round up, kicked out of power, and rushed into a prison cell. Or at least ostracized by society. I'm no legal expert, but I would call them all premeditated murderers, every single one of them. I mean how do you live with yourselves? How do you live with the guilt? I mean do they even have a soul? If they ever did. Especially the ones who are actually vaccinated, and know they're lying their faces off. It’s bad enough to actually try to destroy our democracy, in a not so slowly, slow moving coup. Acting as if they have all the power, as if by divine providence, while they try to drown out reality with their never ending word salad of lies and conspiracies. Getting away with murder, and no one but maybe a few, seem to notice. And all we get are bad comparisons like cancer deaths, a non contagious disease, to showcase how nothing 800,000 deaths are. Maddening to say the least. Scream inducing on way too many occasions.
We see what’s happening in the real world, that things are actually getting better. How easily swayed and manipulated so many people are by the lies that the monsters who are ... who have caused a genocide. Especially when you discover that almost everybody who has died from COVID19 has not been vaccinated. Needless death, needless infection. It’s gut wrenching. And it’s got be a crime of some kind, if it isn’t. And if it is, come on authorities, do your jobs. Please. Any day now. I’m waiting. Pretty please...
Just one man's opinion
© Neil Feigeles, Neilizms, Tues., Dec. 14, 2021