Seems people are drinking the Clorox, who said stupidity doesn’t kill? Sorry to say, people are just that dumb! So why is anyone surprized now, when they’ve swallowed every other lie Donald has spewed. Why should drinking a little poison be the thing that wakes them up?
THOSE ARE REAL HEADLINES, YES PEOPLE ARE JUST THAT STUPID! To those of you out there who laughed when Trump suggested people try using disinfectants to cure themselves, because nobody could be that stupid, where have you been? His followers believe everything he says. Have you forgotten the guy became president by lying about everything then and he’s never stopped since. Let me repeat this, if you are also dense, he’s been lying about everything and no matter how ridculous or dangerous, certain people for whatever reason believe him. And now, they are so far gone they’re willing to die for him. So now you expect people to not believe him when he suggests that they maybe should drink a little bleach? Perhaps snorting comet could work? Maybe a little drano to clean out the pipes? What could hurt? Ha Ha Ha, I’m just being sarcastic. I know it seems unbelievable, but as we’ve discovered there are some in the United States that have actually tried it already, while others have been calling their doctors and pharmacys and political leaders, asking them if it was cool to try Trumps latest magic elixir.
The great thing with this insane stream of consiousness, these ‘sarcasms’ he was running around his empty head, in front of the whole world, are all available underneath everybody’s sink at home. No need to wait for results of a test, to see if you have it, that only the special people can get, and only it seems if you’re already on deaths door. No need to see a doctor, pay out of pocket, or worrying about a co-pay. Just choose your own posion and take a chance, what do you have to lose, right? You’re already gonna die from something else he does anyway, in the near future, which apparantly is these losers wish anyway. End Times here we come, might as well take a chance, believe me, what else do you have to lose?
I’m surprised there hasn’t been a run of sunlamps and tanning beds around the nation. Watch as the people start reappearing in the streets of America with the same facial complexion as our posion loving orange Adolf. Wait till a sudden orange sickly hue has started apearing on all of Trumps fans faces. Ha Ha Ha, that was sarcasm too, or was it? Or was I just predicting the near future. At least then we could see from a block away who the followers of Donald are, and we can safetly distance ourselves from whatever viruses and strupid germs they’ve now acquired with their kind. I’m sorry, point blank, people are idiots anyway, but especially the ones that believe him when he says the sky is blue when it’s gray. Especially the ones who refuse to believe that he’s not the second coming of Christ. Wake up, people are that stupid. Which is why Trump is that dangerous!
So I guess I’ve been wrong, maybe, I kept thinking Donald J Trump was Adolph Hitler incarnate, no it turns out that he was really Jim Jones, or maybe a bit of both. At least Jim flavored his koolaid [when he and several members argued his group should commit “revolutionary suicide” by drinking cyanide-laced grape-flavored Flavor Aid. Temple films later released show Jones opening a storage container full of Kool-Aid in large quantities. 909 inhabitants of Jonestown, 304 of them children, died of apparent cyanide poisoning, mostly in and around the settlement’s main pavilion. Which resulted in the greatest single loss of American civilian life (murder + suicide, though not on American soil) in a deliberate act until the September 11 attacks. The FBI later recovered a 45-minute audio recording of the suicide in progress. On that tape, Jones tells Temple members that the Soviet Union, with whom the Temple had been negotiating a potential exodus for months, would not take them after the airstrip murders. The reason given by Jones to commit suicide was consistent with his previously stated conspiracy theories of intelligence organizations allegedly conspiring against the Temple, that men would “parachute in here on us,” “shoot some of our innocent babies” and “they’ll torture our children, they’ll torture some of our people here, they’ll torture our seniors.” Jones’s prior statements that hostile forces would convert captured children to fascism would lead many members who held strong opposing views to fascism to view the suicide as valid. ]information taken from Wikipedia. But those people weren’t as dumb as these. Those people ware ordered by their leaders demands. Trump’s mentally challenged losers, are doing out of blind faith. Deaf, dense and deplorable dumb faith.
So now the same people who are currently pitching to open up everything, who in my mind are performing premediated murder on human beings, who are simply brainwashing and doing mental cruelty on the young and old alike, are pitching the people to protest in the streets against those unAmericans who dare to believe the monstrous doctors and experts who are simply trying to save their lives. And the fools who have been brainwashed now believe that its better to die working for the nation, then staying home and live. That us staying home, to stare the virus, was worse then surviving the pandemic, and living.
And now those same idiots that believe the lies, are out there protesting their temporary lives without masks on, or gloves on, and without any social distancing at all. It seems they believe the virus is a nothing, just a flu that will wash away, whenever. Not to mention the Confederate and Nazi flags and weapons of war. These lost souls are so gone that they’re bringing their young children with them to the protests. Not only endangering themselves, by contracting the virus and possibly spreading it, but to bring their children as well, for the same reasons, without wearing masks or gloves in the first place, is in my book, grounds for them losing their parential rights. No ifs,ands or buts. Even if it was just a regular flu, why chance getting infected with it. Wear a freaking mask and glove, if you must protest to live. But if you have children, and are not only not covering yourself up, staying safe, but also at the same time bring your babies, I’m sorry, that’s not only stupid, but dangerous.
I could understand their protests, really I can. People need money to survive. I get it. No money in the banks, yopu can’t buy food for God sakes, or toilet paper for that matter. Their homes filled with expensive toys, like $1000 phones, they bought on credit, with money they probably couldn’t afford in the first place, it isn’t surprising that desperation has begun to percolate inside much of American’s heads. Especially now that their jobs are currently on hiatus or lost forever, with no money coming in, in the foreseeable future, with bills coming due. And depending on who you beleive, the other side is the boogey man, and they’re the reason the people are now suffering. All of this is of course disregarding, or refusing to believe, that there’s a life threatening virus which has already infected almost one million Americans, and has now killed almost 55,000 of their fellow countrymen.
I get it. Believe me I do. Not to have a job for months on end has been my life. I’ve spent many a year off and on, going sometimes 6 months without a paycheck. In fact, after 9/11 I could’t find a new job for almost 2 years. Yes me, with my college degree and great portfolio and swell, count 'em 5 separate resumes for 5 separate careers. People couldn’t understand how I wasn’t hired, on staff and making big bucks. It stings when you get turned down for a job, that you are willing to work at half your rate, when they inform you that they aren’t hiring you because they can’t afford you. As you walk out their office mumbling 'give me an offer', I’ll surprise you. When to get to the interview you had to borrow the $20 for the MetroCard, from your mother, because your bank account was in the red.
Sadly its the nature of the beast with some careers. And I’m one of the lucky ones. What about those people on the fringes who haven’t been able to at least survive. So I know what it feels like when you have to decide whether to miss a bill or maybe pay the rent a few days late, because your printer broke down and you have to buy a new one in order to finish the job. Which was only gig you’ve been able to find in seemingily months, and it pays minium, when and if you’re lucky to even find one. And if you don’t buy the printer and print out the job correctly that job goes out the window. And you don’t get a check, but you get served an eviction notice. And thats when you’ve realized you haven’t eaten in 3 days, as you walk by others enjoying a $300 dinner. Heck it got so bad, Petco turned me down. Welcome to the life of a struggling artist, actor, singer, musician or anything else, to those who have a career that you struggle to survive in. To keep the dream alive, or simply juist to try to pay the rent. That is unless you are one of the lucky few, who work enough or get paid enough to actually have both a savings and a checking account.
But then a Pandemic occurs, and you soon discover that we are all in this together, this virus loved everyone. No matter class, no matter color, or sex or age or lifestyle. That is unless you fall under the spell of the liars who are using this pandemic as another excuse to use others for their own benefits. To save thier own lives. Telling them to protest the ones who are stopping them for working for them. From their protected homes and safe places. hat gets me is this is their lives we are talking about. Their childrens and their familes, and their loved ones, friends and anyone else they come in contact with. Plus you now multiply that equation with every person that each person they came in contact with comes in contact with, and so on, and so forth. Funny how some commericals can be used to explain a pandemic. Somehow I guess, that digesting that bit of scariness, that they could perosnally be the cause of thousands of deaths, might cause them to cover up. But instead of covering up, just in case any of the experts and professionals in medicine and science are right, they instead spite themselves and all the possible victims they might infect.
Who says stupidty doesn’t kill? People just don’t get that other people who are telling them its all safe outside, to just do their patriotic duty by going to walk, screw safety or their own personal lives, are the people who are staying home, trying to stay safe eating Bon Bons. Like the Republicans in Wisconsin, who forced Americans to vote duirng the Pandemic for their own political reasons, forced them to stand in lines, for hours, endangering themselves, while the mosnters who forced them, were voting from home, safetly tucked away from any danger.
How dense do you have to be. They want you to die for them! How do I say this, can we say slave owner mentality. What do you have to lose. You’re infected, or you’re gonna die! Believe me. And unbelievablity, after all that we’ve seen and lived through and now seeing others die through, they still believe him. And people are stunned in disbelief, that there are fools out there dumb enough to now bathe in, wash their hands in, inject themselves or even drink a disinfectant.
The same people who are telling them that Sunlight will kill the virus and cure them, are the same people that pitched Obamacare as a death sentance to millions. They gaslighting Americans that ‘death panels’ were apart of President Barack Obama’s update on our healthcare system. They ridiculed President Barack Obama, because of the Obamacare sign-up problems, via their website turned out to be an utter distaster for a few weeks. Which they used for years against the Democrats. Disregarding that once the bugs was ironed out, the only things that was wrong with the program was their never ending pursuit of weakening it or killing off was they never came up with something to replace it. They are still doing this to this day, could you imagine, during a time when people are losing their healthcare, because most people’s healthcare they get through their jobs, Trump and his band of healthcare maruaders are trying to kill Obamacare for good. And Trump and his followers believe trumps are at fault with everyone’s healthcare.
We’re still waiting for the masks. we’re still waiting for the tests… in today’s daily briefing, he again touted that America was number one with the testing, and we will be ramping up the tests even more. Wow! Except, of course, it was the same lies he’s been pitching for months now. As of today, 5,684,175 people in America have been tested, and most of them aren’t thanks to him. But thanks to the states for figuring out to get the tests before Trump’s henchmen can steal them for Federal Reserves. And no I’m not being sarcastic.
It’s been over three years now, but Trump’s still tweeting and going after President Barack Obama on everything that he himself keeps screwing up on. Its Obama’s fault he didn’t leave a vacine for the COVID 19, ready to go, when he left office, even though President Barack Obama left office over 3 years before this new virus came into exitense. Its like when the trolls go after President Obama for his handling of Katrina, when he wasn’t the President, but George Walker Bush was. But they don’t care. Obamacare gave 30 million more Americans healthcare. Not to mention improving all the healthcare for all American’s like removing the pre-existing clause insurance companies have used for decades not to treat people, even after they take their monthly fees for them. The Republicans pitched Obama, as if ‘death panels’ was its best attribute. Its’ what 10 years later, and the only thing the Republicans have done, is systematically try to take apart or kill Obamacare off entirely, without ever coming up with something to replace it.
The Democrats might argue about how to get there, and why everyone should get it immediately or a slower everyone in the pile eventually approach. but at least they want to give people healthcare. And somehow thats pitched as a bad thing. Apparantely the only game plan by the Republicans is for everyone to get it by their own means, if they can. But if you can’t afford it… die. And somehow, the same fools who are seriously thinking of trying the clorox, are the same ones who voted against Obamacare, but love The Affordable Healthcare Act, refusing to understand they are one and the same. But the liar, who has brainwashed his followers into believing that one of America’s greatest Presidents, was an illegal dark skinned monster, who was gonna take away all their guns, and their freedoms, is the one sadly believed. These, fools, now refuse to believe the medical experts on what you should be doing during this pandemic, how to stay safe, and what precautions you should do. But instead they believe Trump, who says these types of things like this, way to often: ‘well, I’m not a doctor, but I have a you, know what’, as he points to his head, to showcase what a genius he is. Well these believers in Donald’s insane ideas, are now are seriously contemplating or actually engesting a posionous liquid last meal. And people still think they not dumb, or stupid, or seriously delusional and desperately need professional help inside a padded cell.
I will never understand people. President Barack Obama gave the American people healthcare. He fixed the nation as it was about to financially implode, without any assistance from the Republicans. I should say, with as much resistance from them as possible. No matter how good the numbers kept growing. No matter how many months long the job numbers kept going up, he was the one causing the slowness of the job growth, not the Republicans blocking him whenever they could. Donald J. Trump pitched birtherism, with his wife’s assistance, transforming America’s first African American President into a boogey man. Simply another well educated Black man who lied about his birth place, according to the racists amongst the braindead. They spewed conspiracies that Obama’s mother planned everything. Her pregnancy, his faked birth certificate, his school records, his college degrees. According to the trumpeters, everything about his past was made up, of course all of which was a flat out lie. I’m sorry, people you be crazy and really dumb. It's not as if Barack Obama, was created in a laboratory and hatched on The Oprah Winfrey Show. He spent his whole life in the real world, with lots of people all around him. His classmates, as well as the many people who’ve talked about simply playing basketball with him. But the crazies believed Obama’s life was fake, and Donald Trump and his propaganda machine kept pitching the bull non-stop till the sh*t for brains who follow him blindly, believed even his most farfetched out of this world conspiracy accusations.
When Trump ran for President in 2016, the trumpeters refused to hear about his bankruptcies, his infidelities, his criminal ties, his Russian connections, or Trumps racist past in business. His ever changing reasons and excuses for crimes, he eventually admitted to doing, but since he was now President, or in their eyes God, he was allowed to get away with. Anyone else would be a death sentence. If they found one kernel of a something, anything, it gets transformed into the worse thing ever. Another Benghazi, another missing Server, another doctored birth certificate. Disregarding every crime, every lie, every in your face horror account, these fools, excuse me, these ‘people’ never care about. But only believe and listen to what the rich billionaire barker clown tells them. Which is repeated, defended, explained, and forgotten, whenever necessary, like poisoning people with disinfections, and somehow turned around into an attack by everyone whose called them out whatever they did. Like pitching a drug or disinfectant that can kill people!
The same people then, who refused to see reality who voted for Donald, are now the same people who are calling up health officials to ask if it’s okay to drink the clorox, or worse not even ask, and actually down it. Or who knows, inject it in their their veins? These same idiots are now protesting the lock down, by going out, in droves, without gloves and without masks and unbelievably without social distancing, demanding to go back to work, because Donald J. Trump said that the economy is more important than their lives. And you think, people are too smart to not drink the Clorox Really? And you call yourself news people. Really? People who look at the facts, haven’t their actions showcase that these people don’t listen what others say, they only care what Trump and his buddies tell them.
Didn’t you see his rallies in February, and even worse March, where thousands of people all piled on top of each other, worshipping his every word, I mean every lie he’s uttered. It was just a Democratic hoax created to hurt Donald’s reelection plans. Disregard the thousands dying and the the hundreds of thousands now infected. Now it's, the evil Democrats who are starving them in their holes, or whatever cave they crawled out of. Demanding things, like cavemen, actually like deplorable dunces, aping every mob scene in every bad B movie. The only things we haven’t seen are zombies coming into being, and apes beginning to speak.
We’ve spent over a decade, from the second President Barack Obama was elected, hearing our political leaders on the right demand the budget be balanced. Damn all the pain that the majority of Americans needed to endure, to put our nation on a firm financial footing. As the fat cats on the right kept getting richer and more powerful. As we couldn't get anything done to fix pretty much anything in our nation. And the Republicans kept pitching the pain and the struggles as all the Democrats fault. Give us the power, what do you have to lose? Perhaps now, not just our democracy but our very lives.
As soon as Trump came into power, the debt that the Republicans kept harping over, that Obama was removing, without any of their help, while he was trying to keep things running, was no longer a part of the equation anymore. All debts began to grow, and all saving were given away to the rich folk that had it so bad under President Barack Obama’s tenure, that they never were so rich. That is until Trump started giving them all the mint. All regulations were cut, and so was the tax money coming in from the rich. Worsening the debt. Everything was to enrich the wealthy and hurt the poor. Which of course, they pitched as making America strong. A trillion and a half dollar tax cut for the rich… for no apparent reason. Except Trump said it would help out economy and everyone would get richer. Well I’m still awaiting for my share of the profits, have you seen any money from that windfall Trump’s buddies got? And now the fools who follow Trump are waiting for their so-called stimulus checks, blaming the Democrats for the delays. Because the Democrats wanted them to get funds, which the Republicans, amazingly tried not to give them. So the Democrats are evil for trying to help them, and the Republicans are heroes for being total dicks.
Now all the states are going broke, while apparently Kentucky and a few red states are doing fine. Seems they’ve been taking a lot more from the government for decades than all the other states combined. While states like New York who have been helping them live in the lifestyle they’ve become accustomed to without much of their own help. And now that the states have been footing most of the bill to cover expenses during the Pandemic, Mitch and Donald now want to say that it's the states own fault they’re in this position. Somehow a natural disaster relief from the Federal Government, is only when it helps their own state needs. But when other states are hit by a natural once` in a century event, well you’re on your own. Speaking about on their own, Puerto Rico, which has been left to drown by Trump and the Republicans after the horrible hurricanes that practically ended the Islands existence on Earth, and left it's citizens to point blank die. As of today not one of its citizens, have received a single stimulus check. Tell me this isn’t racism on a world scale.
As Maybe Bill DeBlasio asked Mitch are you trying to say to New York, drop dead? Governor Andrew Cuomo, dared Mitch to force states to go into bankruptcy. See how good that plays on wall street. Seems to me, that a trillion and a half tax money, should have been kept safety till it was needed if, God forbid a historic health crisis erupted thoughout the land. Or used for the American people, perhaps a little infrastructure couldn’t hurt. Mind you the tax cut happened, after he disbanded the Pandemic task force that was set up President Barack Obama during his tenure. Least we forget. So now we’ve been dealing with a liar for over 3 years, who lies about everything. And when he gets caught, which he always does, his story changes, as soon as the lie is uncovered, and continues to change, as his lies do. Changing completely at times, till the lie becomes a truth to his followers, and the reality becomes what they believe is fake. So why should anyone be shocked that his followers would believe him enough to drink disinfectants. Because they did not realized that he was just thinking outloud, conceiving the possiblites, but instead of finally thowing their hands up and saying, oh my God, the man is either insane or a dangerous pschopath. And he’s pitching in the world gargling with drano, or lysol disinfection or shooting up on the Windex.
I get that Donald, their lord and savior, their orange bloated calf, is spreading misinformation, lies, and conspiracies and most people, I hope, see what he pitches as just that bullsh*t. But his followers do not. They seemingly believe whatever words he says and tweets. I get blind faith, but come on, people are drinking disinfectants and possibly jamming electrical powered lightbulbs down their throats, or up their asses. Maybe the reporters should start investigating the deaf, dumb, deplorable, possibly inbred and definitely braindead people out there, that are so unbelievably, I’m sorry, stupid, they will actually do that. When asked, today about people ingesting disinfectant to treat COVID-19 because of his comments last week. He couldn’t imagine people would do that. He as always wouldn’t take any responsibility if they did. Seems unless you follow Trump blindly you're dead to him, and if you do, follow him blindly and you’re dead for him. Either way, either he doesn’t care about you. Unless you are of service to him.
As of today, 1,010,123 Americans have had COVID 19. 56,796 Americans have died from it, 56,796 deaths that we know of! And currently there are 814,338 active cases in our nation, and these doofuses are willing to still believe him. This after their leader, lied that it would just wash away in the Spring, while the initial 15 sick that Trump was well trumpeting to showcase how great his leadership is, look at how small the numbers are, coulds be double, or, triple r worse, that numbver with every protest march his followers attend without masks or gloves. Yes, people are this dumb, and Trump is laughing his way into a death count to rival Adolf himself.
Just one man’s opinion
© Neil Feigeles, Neilizms, Mon., April 27, 2020
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