Donald spent his first campaign pitching Hillary’s Incarceration, vowing she’d be Impeached if elected. Then spent much of his presidency in a desperate search to come up ways to cover up his own crimes and misdeeds. How delicious is it, that his quest for a false narrative has in the end impeached him
YOU SHOULD HAVE STOPPED WHEN YOU WERE AHEAD. How dumb is he? Or how stupid does he think the rest of us are? The most orange conman in history, and his band of roving thieves, had gotten away with stealing Hillary’s Presidency, and fleecing millions of dollars along the way, all thanks in the end to William Barr. But instead of turning over a new leaf, as we discovered on way too many occasions, Donald’s dealings with Russia, wasn’t his first time playing crooked games to get what he wants, he just continued doing what he’s always done, cheat and lie, to get ahead. Now some have argued, that once William Barr saved his bacon and Donald had somehow skirted the axe in regards to the Mueller Report, that was when he pulled the trigger on the Ukrainian scheme. I mean the infamous and far from perfect phone call happened the very next day after the Mueller’s Report’s findings, were seemingly dismissed as a nothing. Leaving the majority of American’s wanting to scream at the top of lungs, ‘Hey people! Mueller found stuff! He’s guilty! Hello!, It's time to impeach him! And lots of words and thoughts that I’m sorry, I’m not gonna write here (don’t want the authorities getting angry at me)’, so logically some have suggested or offered as a deduction that once Trump had been reprieved and the Russian plot was now considered not bad enough to Impeach him over, or even to bring up in public, the very next day he pounced on Ukraine. Makes sense, very logical. But, as we’ve learned that's not exactly what happened. This scheme to force Ukraine to announce that they were opening an investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden, as well as receiving the almost $400 million in military aid, was happening months before July 25th. It didn’t somehow enter Trump’s mind as he had his minions dial the phone for him on that day. This criminal act had been an ongoing scheme to try to force a new President’s hand. Sort of why the whole notion of Impeaching a President was conceived and written up in our Constitution, if you ask me.
More likely, the scheme was already underway, but the ending of Mueller’s pull on the mindset of the American people's apparently occurred. Sadly Mueller's coming out party in public didn't set the world on fire, or cause Donald to take that long green mile out of power and into a death row cell as many of us hoped. More likely it signaled to Trump, that it was safe to go to phase two in their plot to steal election number two. A personal pitch via phone to the new Ukraine President making sure the newbie knew exactly what he required for any protection money to be handed over. Mind you, we've learned, that he wasn’t actually seeking an investigation, he was just requesting an announcement of one. I'm sorry, why is this ludicrous explanation warrant any discussion at all? As some expert on television explained one night, in the real world, one never announces you are gonna be investigating someone, because that would sort of warn the suspect. That they could hide or destroy evidence for example, or perhaps buy one way tickets out of the country to escape the authorities? Right, Rudy Giuliani and your buddies Lev and Igor?The only time ever, one should know that there is an investigation actually happening is when they come out an announce it after they make the arrests of the supposed criminal. So this pitch by the Trumpeters is simply yet another bogus and ridiculous lie as all the other defenses and excuses that they keep coming up with. I mean why even announce you’re opening up investigations on the Biden’s, if you don’t intend to actually do any investigating, that is if you actually ever intended opening them up in the first place, right? Its like the investigations that William Barr keeps opening up on the people who started Mueller’s, or the many Benghazi and/or Hillary’s servers investigations. You want to talk about real witch hunts? Lets investigate nothing, and waste millions, and then when the evidence proves your conspiracies false, ignore the findings and continue to pitch whatever made up explanation you can come up with, it doesn't even have to sounds legit, these liars don't care. Just anything verbal to get away with yet another criminal act and push to boulder further and further to after election day 2020. Much like Trump’s supposed hiring of investigators, or detectives, or bomb-sniffing dogs, for all we know, to search the globe for the truth behind Barack Obama’s birth place. Remember how he screamed, shouted, and lied for years saying how much dirt they had uncovered, how everyone would be shocked at the revelations? But in the end, like with all of Trump's other accusations and lies, there was nothing, but millions of fools out there that now believe the ravings of a lunatic in kabuki make-up.It’s now been reported, that 15 minutes after the phone call between the two presidents, Trump ordered the funds to Ukraine be held. Seems after Trump said, “I want you to do us a favor, though” President Zelensky’s response wasn’t what Donald wanted to hear. Funny how this bit of intel wasn’t known before or during the hearing, but only came to light because of the Center for Public Integrity. They sued and won a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against The Defense Department. Who having lost the case, provided the information to the nonprofit under a court order. Funny how all the evidence hidden that keeps gets uncovered is always bad for Donald. Nothing proves he's innocent. I wonder why, he keeps obstructing justice? What's he hiding? Oh, that’s right, his crimes. Tell me again Mitch how a swift trial with no witnesses is a good thing for Democracy. And please, explain it to your constituents, as you run for yet another 6 term assignment. Perhaps finally your followers will wake up and drop kick you and your criminal wife out of office.Now in my last post, I ended it with the question of who was the genius that came up with the Ukraine angle on helping to get Trump’s crimes covered up with false evidence, To somehow finally clear Trump’s name, and prove he won the last election fairly and squarely, by connecting the dots between Ukraine and Hillary Clinton’s missing server with those 30,000 bleached emails. While also showcasing Ukraine was the culprits who did it, and Russia is just a victim of the deep state political enemies of the president. Plus for his future needs, take down his most obvious opponent in the upcoming campaign, Vice President Joe Biden, by going after his son Hunter Biden. We’ve seen the game before by Donald. Blame others for his own actions. Call others the puppet. She’s the racist on stage not me. They are the real criminals in politics. I’m just trying to drain the swamp that the do-nothing democrats have drenched us in. Just disregard all the acting heads of government that are doing my bidding. So what does a criminal do when they get caught, either fess up their sins and hope the court of law and public opinion will be lenient, or lie and or do anything to keep themselves free, to hopefully continue their misdeeds without any further repercussions. When a rat gets his tail court in a trap, who are you gonna believe, the rat with a chopped tail, or the pounds of cheese that they’re drowning in? I questioned who came up with the idea, I knew it wasn’t Donald himself. Sorry I won’t give him credit for this out of the box idea, even though, the more i think of it, the more it is possible that he could. In a bad movie, which sadly our world feels like most of the time, I could actually see the genius being his current wife. Whispering sweet nothings into his ear as he munched on a Big Mac in Bed, while watching a rerun of Fox and Friends. Am I the only one? But all kidding aside, I’ve been pondering this for a while now. Who? The Republicans keep screaming to the high heavens that the Democrats have been trying to Impeach the President since before the election. Honestly I can't argue with them on this, but its not exactly for the excuses they use. I mean we all witnessed the wikileaks phenomenon, we've all learned about the amazing number of connections between Trump and Russia and how his campaign worked with them to steal Hillary's Presidency. Even though Mueller supposedly didn't find enough evidence to tie them to the crime. But lets not forget Jr.'s, with Trump's inner circle, meeting in Trump Tower to get dirt on Hillary. Sorry, that alone should have started an Impeachment investigation. Do I have to remind you of the Mueller investigation and what it uncovered? So when we finally did get to The Impeachment Inquiry, all of that information was already known. I'm sorry, do you want us to believe Trump just came out of the womb last week, and we should disregard everything he's done, that would've put everyone else either out of office or in a prison cell? And should we completely forget about the obstruction he’s pulled with both the Mueller investigation and the Impeachment Inquiry? I mean Trump was impeached over obstruction of Congress, wasn’t he? Or should we disregard that too?I pondered If it was Rudy, or one of a number of names and faces that have become infamous because of their association with the Trumpster’s in one way or the other. Well now its being reported that it was Vladimir Putin himself who pitched the idea. Possibly in one of their top secret meetings that nobody is allowed in except the Russian translator and the two world leaders. If Trump is actually innocent, and really a dupe in all this, upset that everyone thinks he’s the guilty one, I could honestly understand why and how he would be acting like the lunatic he’s acted since the reports started coming out that he was a treasonous monster in orange war paint. And if it was true, and he actually believes everyone is out to get him, it would fit perfectly with a lot of his crazy talk and strange body language, and especially his lack of trust in the folks who say it was all Russia. So his willingness to believe Vladimir Putin’s take on what occurred in the last presidential campaign does make sense, and why he would be so willing to believe all the other crap Vladimir has preached. Well, that is a big if, and one I completely disbelieve, but seeing it through the eyes of a man cornered who thinks the entire world is out to get him, it is possible that some would believe the lies of even your most hated rival. I mean Trump says he believed President Obama and the FBI and others have spied on him, so either its another deflection or the man is way too paranoid and surely in the market for a good therapist, if not a straight jacket. If Putin himself pitched the idea, either as a way to get over on Donald’s good side, or just as the perfect excuse and most logical solution for them to cover up their mutual crimes, that I could believe. I mean wouldn’t you also use any excuse to get away with, lets say for example, stealing a presidency? But lets not forget the real reason the Russian President makes the most sense out of anyone. Who may I ask benefits the most when Trump stops funds to Ukraine? Certainly I’d wager, not the US of A or Ukraine. Remember, the two nations are at war over Russia’s annexation of Crimea itself. Maybe the funds which were held up was because Vladimir wished for it, or perhaps it was Donald’s way of giving a pal or a benefactor a favor. We’ve seen how generous Donald is with his friends, maybe hurting another nation to assist in overthrowing its enemy, I suggest wouldn’t be beyond his generosity of spirit to a pal. Not to mention finding the perfect scape goat to finally cover up your part in getting Donald elected, as well as helping to hurt the possible next democratic Presidential nominee by keeping him in for at least the next four years. I mean, how much do you think Vladimir only wants Donald John Trump as President of these United States and nobody else? If, and its a big if, we somehow survive this nightmare, and Trump is removed, and we select a Democratic President, especially with a Democratic led House and Senate, Putin’s days of not getting punished for his crimes will be over. Just think, if we can win back the majority in all branches of government, then we can actually drain the swamp that Donald gave us, as well as fix the messes that we should have been fixing all along, but the republicans kept halting us at every step. We could actually vote in the Equal Rights Amendment, fix the voting situation, figure out Immigration and healthcare, and finally enter the 21st century that so many on the right are fighting tooth and nail to stop us from getting to. To actually make a more perfect union as our forefathers had tried to, instead of taking us back to the good old days that Donald and his brethren want us to go.
Just one man’s opinion.
© Neil Feigeles, Neilizms, Sunday, Dec 22, 2019
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