“I hate to say it, but ever since the schools integrated (in the 1960s), it went downhill,” unemployed paralegal Vicki Cotterman said at a campaign stop for Perry in Walterboro on Thursday. “The white boys try to be like some of the black thugs - they go around with their pants down to their knees. It’s disrespectful.”
On the occasion of celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the quotation above showcases how far we need to go as a nation. The words ‘ever since the schools integrated (in the 1960s), it went downhill,”. It seems integration was a bad idea. So in other we shouldn’t mix the races. And I’m sorry using of the term ‘thugs’ when describing ‘black’ people disturbs me to no end. To have a citizen discuss race without even realizing how racist she sounds is a sad statement. The fact that Ms. Cotterman isn’t running for President doesn’t make me feel any better [actually worse, since she's not trying to get my vote], but it showcases how far as a nation we need to go.
The republican leaders who are running for the right to face President Obama have used new state laws [which were recently enacted by several states] that would require residents to produce a photo ID before they could vote. Texas Governor Rick Perry bitched on Saturday at a candidates’ forum in Charleston “Each of our states are under assault right now by this administration,” “We may be under assault - South Carolina, they’re actually at war with you.”
The voter ID conflict stems from a new state law that would require voters to show photo identification at the polls. Federal officials and South Carolina Democrats who oppose the law say it could disenfranchise up to one-third of black and other minority voters. South Carolina is one of six Republican-led states that tightened their laws last year to require a photo ID, a measure conservatives say will deter fraud.
On December 23, 2011, The Justice Department blocked the law on the grounds that it would disproportionately affect minority voters. Republican presidential candidates call it another example of Obama’s overly intrusive government.
How ironic then that these same Republicans were okay, during this years first Republican Caucus [which took place on January 2, 2012 in Iowa] that the Republicans required No Photo ID to Vote. I guess they are implying that Republicans are honest, and the Democrats and Independents aren’t. In fact according to their own “Bullet-Point Guide to the 2012 Republican Party of Iowa Caucuses,” as posted on the state party’s website, only new registrants those registering to sign up with the Republican Party and vote on the same day at the caucus, will be asked -- but not actually required -- to show photo ID.
Perhaps as usual, they read their rules.
“I hate to say it, but ever since the schools integrated (in the 1960s), it went downhill,” unemployed paralegal Vicki Cotterman said at a campaign stop for Perry in Walterboro on Thursday. “The white boys try to be like some of the black thugs - they go around with their pants down to their knees. It’s disrespectful.” Is actually pretty typical language for how these ‘people’ speak. Newt Gingrich said another one of his brilliant statements [on Friday at a campaign stop in Duncan, South Carolina] that make you scatch your head...
“If the only people who vote in elections are law-abiding, hardworking citizens who are deeply committed to America, the left wing of the Democratic Party will cease to exist,”
Simply amazing, you would think that someone running for the highest office in the land would know better. The scary thing is, I’m pretty positive that each one of these people who come up with statements that can be misconstrued, probably know exactly what they are saying. To think after all these years, after all the struggles for Civil Rights, that in the year 2012, on the celebration of a great American, Dr. martin Luther King Jr.. we still have to hear these pseudo racist statements showcases how far we need to go. But seeing how well our current president has handed his historic time in office, surely must mean we've come very far as a country. Giving me much hope for our future as a society and as a people.
To read more about this, please check the link:
South Carolina Photo ID Law Draws Heated Rhetoric From Republican Presidential Candidates
Just one man’s opinion
© Neil Feigeles, Neilizms, Monday, January 16, 2012
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